Ski house
The Red Ski House is a modular glamping located over 3000 meters (10,000 ft) above see level. The project was fabricated offsite and delivered to helicopter, making the whole construction duration under 6 months. Each house consists of a solar disk with a concrete base, an insulated red house, and mechanical equipment. Most of the structure are made of steel frame and aluminum sandwich panels with sustainable stone wool insulation, which makes them structurally solid and well insulated. In the harsh mountain climate, the solar disk reflects the sun heat to the bottom of the dark skinned house, so the interior can maintain around 15 Celsius (60 Fahrenheit) degree.
Located in a national park, the hotel was designed with careful ecological considerations. As such, the modules were installed on steel posts instead of heavy concrete foundations, which were also designed to keep the snow away from underneath the houses. The majority of the construction work was made in the factory using lean construction methods, which minimized on-site construction time and waste. Furthermore, the modules have the capacity to be dismounted and transferred to a new site without any demolition works.